Arts and Media
Polk Library is a welcoming space that fosters a love of reading and learning in every student. Classes visit regularly for genre and author studies, as well as lessons designed to enhance students' information literacy skills. Students also have the opportunity to check out books independently during library class and throughout the school day.
Additionally, Polk offers a family lending library located outside the front office, where students and parents can borrow books at any time. Our collection includes books in multiple languages to serve the diverse needs of our community.
Band and Orchestra
Learn to play an instrument, practice your skills or participate in a band
Band and orchestra are available to all 4th and 5th grade students. Students meet once or twice a week during their Encore class. Students must be willing to miss their regularly scheduled Encore class. Two concerts are held a year. Instruments are available to rent for a small fee. All third grade students learn to play the recorder.
Chorus is an after school vocal ensemble made up of 4th and 5th graders at James K. Polk.
During chorus rehearsals (one day a week) we work on vocal technique, singing in unison and harmony, and exploring different genres of music. Chorus is an audition based group and every student works very hard at being their best, while having fun!
James K. Polk Chorus performs two concerts a year.
PTA Reflections Program
The PTA Reflections contest is an arts recognition and achievement program for students sponsored by the National PTA. ACPS students are encouraged to produce an original, artistic entry in the categories of dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography, and visual arts. The most imaginative interpretation of the theme through any one of these mediums is the object of the program.
Students who win first place in their categories at Polk advanced to the City level of the contest. Those who placed first at the City level advance to the Northern Virginia District PTA level to compete against winners from Fairfax and Arlington.
Rules, guidelines and other helpful information will be made are available through the PTA.